When you are writing down music... think of what has happened to you in life. I like writing music... yes i do a little writing myself... but i do it on past events... or maybe even present events... even when i don't do it about what has happened in life... i sing about my family and friends. like this song that i have written... "Now That You're Here" was a true thing... it was about an old friend that i have not seen in a long time... and i have not got to tell her good-bye. So if I was to ever see her again... that is was i would say to her. She has been there through the hard times and when i REALLY needed her. Sometime i write songs for people like my BESTEST friend,Jasmine wanted to sing a song for her boyfriend... and i wrote the song for her to sing for him... coming from deep in her heart. The point is.... don't just write songs because you are bored.. do it cause you love it. <3 THANK YOU FOR READING AND HOPEFULLY UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY. ;)

By the way... that is a picture of me when i was in the seventh grade... and now i am in high school

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